"It takes the depiction of historical happenings to new fantasy-tical levels".That's the sole judgement I could come to when I saw 300 this weekend. The Battle of Thermopylae couldn't probably have been portrayed in a more artistic way so as to attract both the critics as well as the regular action flick followers. I can't really term it as historically accurate, coz I don't really know much about the Spartan history and the Battle of Thermopylae on which the movie is based on. The one thing that I did after watching it was to come back and do a Wiki Search on the backdrop of the movie. And yeah, now I must say that Zack Snyder, the director has done a pretty commendable job.

On an overall, I believe this might turn out to be one the strongest contenders for the Academy Awards for the Visual Effects, announcing the importance of increasing CGI usage and its influence on the future of movie making. Floated on a budget of $65 million, it's a visual masterpiece!
To talk about the performances, the lead actors were pretty good, with Gerard Butler portraying King Leonidas leading from the front. But for me this movie is there for its graphics and the presenation..
It was after a long time that blood and gore looked this crazy, probably the last one doing it really well being Kill Bill.
For those, who'd like to have a sneak peek, here's the trailer..
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